Sunday, July 3, 2011

Two More Members, and Bad News

    Stone padded into the camp, fur on end. Two other wolves, Brook and Snow, followed him. He paused for a moment, talking in a hushed voice with them, then padded to the silver stone. He howled, and the pack assembled below.
    "Frostpack, today, I have two things to announce. The first is great news. We have two new members joining us today. Eska and Ohanko." He nodded at two silver/grey wolves sitting beside each other. After greetings had been made, the pack turned back to hear the other news.
    "We also have a threat." He sighed. "My patrol scented mountain lion today. Near the elk meadow, of all places. We must be extremely cautious when hunting there. And bring whatever you catch STRAIGHT back so the lions won't take it." He sat down. "So I want Hazel to take a patrol of two other wolves, and hunt there while the lions are still getting used to the territory." Hazel nodded at him then glanced around nervously. "That is all." Stone wrapped the meeting up. "You may go."


  1. Ohanko raced over to Hazel practically running into her. "Please, please, please let me go with you!!!" He jumped up and down his tail wagging rapidly.

    Eska let out a sigh and walked over giving his silver pelt a shake. "Please excuse my son. He is a bit of a spaz." He barked smoothly, which sent his son in a fury.

    "I am not!! Your a liar!" He bowed down his rump in the air as he went into a play pose. Tail still wagging.

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