Thursday, June 30, 2011

Join Frostpack

Welcome, traveler. You have just entered the territory of Frostpack wolves. Please, do not bristle your fur at me, we are kind wolves. You seem to be a part of no pack, are you perhaps a loner? Well, please do consider joining us then. I'm sure you would make a fine member. I am Shine, former alpha female of Frostpack. My mate still resides there, and you would be under his command. *You nod your head slowly, then ask if Shine is positive you may join.* Yes, I am. We need all the members we can get for the winter. First, tell me about your self.

Rank(for Trainees, put whether your a hunter or fighter):
Crush(if one):
Picture Link( I will find one if needed!):

Thank you for joining Frostpack. Please be as active as possible.


  1. Name:Hazel
    Description/Personality:Brown she-wolf with brown-amber eyes, and a lighter brown muzzle. Strong, fast, caring. She really likes to run. Good elk hunter.
    Crush(if one):Snow, but its small.
    Other: Nope.
    Picture Link( I will find one!):

    Thank you so much

  2. Wait I forgot a bit

    Her family betrayed her, and she ran away, feeling hurt. She is very slow to trust others, but she can sense if they are a good wolf.

    Again, thanks

  3. Thanks! Ill add you when I get a chance!

  4. Name: Ohanko
    Rank: Trainee
    Description/Personality: Ohanko is a silver male with a white underbelly and soft amber eyes. He is very playful and never takes anything seriously. He doesn't take orders well and is a handful to deal with.
    Family/Mate: His father is Eska.
    Other: His mother died when he was just a pup saving him from a hunter.
    Picture Link( I will find one if needed!):

    Name: Eska
    Rank: Fighter
    Description/Personality: Eska is a gray wolf with a white under belly and bright silver eyes. He is very noble and wise for his age. Even then he has a history of not following orders and going to his own plan of what he feels right.
    Family/mate: Ohanko is his son.
    Other: His mate died saving their son from a hunter.
    Picture Link( I will find one if needed!):


  5. Name: Alado
    Rank: Hunter
    Description/Personality: Creamy white she-wolf with blue eyes. She is smart, loyal, caring, and brave. She loves to hunt and is very swift. Alado was once a loner but fled that life since she was once being hunted down by human hunters, she is very cunning and smart.
    Family/Mate: None
    Crush(if one): None Yet
    Other: None
    Picture Link( I will find one if needed!):

    Name: Night
    Rank: Fighter
    Description/Personality: Well muscled, jet black wolf with piercing, emerald green eyes. Storng, brave, and strong minded. He doesn't like to be corrected and is often jumping into things before thinking, though he has a kind heart.
    Family/Mate: None
    Crush(if one): None Yet
    Other: None
    Picture Link( I will find one if needed!):

    Name: Leaf
    Rank: Trainee
    Description/Personality: Dark ginger-brown she-wolf with warm brown eyes. She is cunning, curious, loyal, and brave. She likes to be herself and is a friendly wolf. She was once kept as a pet when she was a pup until she was able to escape. She hates talking about her past and doesn't get close to much wolves.
    Family/Mate: None
    Crush(if one): None Yet
    Other: None
    Picture Link( I will find one if needed!):

  6. name-Scarlett Rose
    Rank-beta female
    description/personality-ginger female wolf with white under belly and muzzel and almost silver eyes.She is kind,smart,quite,distant,reserved,she is extermaly afraid of fires,Scarlett Rose is easy to make friends with.
    family/mate-she has no mate or family.
    crush-she has a small crush on Eska
    other-her whle family died in a huge fire
    pic link-

  7. Name:Eden
    Rank(for Trainees, put whether your a hunter or fighter):Hunter
    Description/Personality:a pretty golden-white she wolf with emerald green eyes. She is shy to strangers that won't hurt her, and to strangers who will, watch out. Otherwise, she is quite outgoing and kind.
    Family/Mate:Her sisters are Dawn and Lily. Her brother is Storm.
    Crush(if one):She has a crush on Shadow.
    Picture Link( I will find one if needed!):

    Rank(for Trainees, put whether your a hunter or fighter):Fighter
    Description/Personality:A very beautiful, slim and fast black she wolf with sea green-blue eyes. She is smart, a quick-thinker, a great fighter. She always has a plan. She likes to make up new moves to use. She'd like to have a mate who loves her for her personality, not her looks. Family/Mate: Her sisters are Eden and Lily. Her brother is Storm.
    Crush(if one):She has no crush.
    Picture Link( I will find one if needed!):

    Rank(for Trainees, put whether your a hunter or fighter):Trainee, Hunter
    Description/Personality:A pretty and slim she wolf with brown fur and blue eyes. She is caring and sweet, and she can track prey from across the clearing.
    Family/Mate:Her sisters are Eden and Dawn. Her brother is Storm.
    Crush(if one):Her crush is Ohanko.
    Picture Link( I will find one if needed!):

    Rank(for Trainees, put whether your a hunter or fighter):trainee, fighter
    Description/Personality:Storm, a handsome black wolf with amber eyes who is fun and loves to make others laugh. being the only male in his family, he is very protective over his sisters, even though two of them are older than him.
    Family/Mate:His three sisters are Dawn, Eden, and Lily.
    Crush(if one):He has a crush on Leaf.
    Picture Link( I will find one if needed!):





  9. name:whisper
    rank(whether youre a
    fighter or hunter)trainee~fighter
    beautiful black wolf
    with blue eyes she is shy,kind,
    and fierce
    family/crush~she has
    no crush and never new her family
    pic link~

  10. Name: kat
    Rank: ikc
    Description: beautiful Red wolf with amber eyes slightly smaller than other wolfs
    Personality: funny,loving,strong,loyal,friendly,spaztic,very strong, can climb a tree,loves to run
    Chrush:none yet

  11. i forgot to add that she had lived in an other pack but left because what they how they hunted was not right. Never knew her father or mother and often goofs off. and she is smart and cunning

  12. can i be a fighter or a hunter

  13. Name: Amber
    Rank: Hunter
    Description: Beautiful pale grey she-wolf with amber eyes and rusty-red diamond on forehead
    Personality: Desperate to protect her pack, loving, enjoys a fair hunt, very funny, can be sarcastic but is also respectful to her pack mates
    Crush: None yet, but she does want a mate
    Picture: Might have to use photo-shop to get the red diamond but this is what she looks like without it -

  14. Amber`s story:

    Amber was born to another pack but they were killed by a gang of rabid coyotes when she was only 7 months old. She couldn`t hunt anything other than mice and she was slowly starving .5 months later, she stumbled upon a scout from Frostpack. They brought her to the alphas and she was accepted into the pack. Ever since then she has been a loyal wolf who has been dedicated to her pack. In the prime of her life now, she loves to hunt and likes to play a bit rough with her close friends but is also quite shy with others.
