Thursday, June 30, 2011

About the Ranks

Beta Male/Female: Beta males and females do NOT have to be mates. They are wolves that help the alphas with descisions about battle, and territory.

Medic Wolves: The caretakers of the clan, they see that the pack stays in good health and is fit for battle and hunting.

Fighters: Strongest wolves, they fight the best, and are fearless. They do not hunt for anyone but themselves, and unless needed to otherwise.

Hunters: The runners, and hunters for the clan. They are the fastest and most agile. Quick, and skilled. They aren't as good with fighting.

Pup-Mothers: She-wolves with pups. When their pups become trainees at 4 moons, they go back to the position they had before they were with pups.

Trainees: Wolves in training. They either train to become a medic wolf, hunters, fighters, or the next alpha wolf when chosen.

Elders: The oldest wolves in the pack. They are too old to be a fighter, hunter, or medicine wolf. Trainee's care for them.

Pups: Newborn wolves. They become trainees at 4 moons.

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