Friday, July 1, 2011

First Member

Stone emerged out from the alpha's den, and padded into the clearing. He nodded to a few wolves who were already up, and then climbed onto the silver stone. He howled, summoning the wolves for a meeting. He noticed the first wolf out of the fighters and hunter's den was Hazel, the new wolf. He was introducing her today. When all the pack was gathered and ready, he sat down.
"Wolves of Frostpack, today we are welcoming our newest member, Hazel." He nodded to the brown she-wolf sitting on the edge of the group. Heads turned to analyze her, and to welcome her. "She is a hunter. I want Fawn to show her around." He smiled at Fawn. "That is all. This pack meeting is over." He leaped down and padded to Brook, then they began talking in hushed voices.


  1. *smiles and walks over to Fawn* "Hello there! You're showing me around, right?" *looks at Fawn hopfully*

  2. Fawn nodded. "Yeah. Where would you like to go first? Some wolves have different tastes than others." She smiled and sat down.


  3. "Maybe the medics den? In case I get hurt or something." *she looked around*

  4. Fawn nodded. "This way." She led Hazel to the medic wolves den and smiled. "This is it. Just come here and the wolves will help. When we get some..."


  5. *nods at Fawn* "When do you think we will get a medicine wolf?"
