Thursday, June 30, 2011

Join Frostpack

Welcome, traveler. You have just entered the territory of Frostpack wolves. Please, do not bristle your fur at me, we are kind wolves. You seem to be a part of no pack, are you perhaps a loner? Well, please do consider joining us then. I'm sure you would make a fine member. I am Shine, former alpha female of Frostpack. My mate still resides there, and you would be under his command. *You nod your head slowly, then ask if Shine is positive you may join.* Yes, I am. We need all the members we can get for the winter. First, tell me about your self.

Rank(for Trainees, put whether your a hunter or fighter):
Crush(if one):
Picture Link( I will find one if needed!):

Thank you for joining Frostpack. Please be as active as possible.

About the Ranks

Beta Male/Female: Beta males and females do NOT have to be mates. They are wolves that help the alphas with descisions about battle, and territory.

Medic Wolves: The caretakers of the clan, they see that the pack stays in good health and is fit for battle and hunting.

Fighters: Strongest wolves, they fight the best, and are fearless. They do not hunt for anyone but themselves, and unless needed to otherwise.

Hunters: The runners, and hunters for the clan. They are the fastest and most agile. Quick, and skilled. They aren't as good with fighting.

Pup-Mothers: She-wolves with pups. When their pups become trainees at 4 moons, they go back to the position they had before they were with pups.

Trainees: Wolves in training. They either train to become a medic wolf, hunters, fighters, or the next alpha wolf when chosen.

Elders: The oldest wolves in the pack. They are too old to be a fighter, hunter, or medicine wolf. Trainee's care for them.

Pups: Newborn wolves. They become trainees at 4 moons.

Mates Page

Find a mate here! Make sure your crush is enough alike to you, and that the person playing them agrees!

Availble Male Wolves::

Availble Female Wolves::
Hazel(Crush on Snow)

Alpha Wolves Den

Where the alpha wolves sleep. They normally should not be disturbed, unless you have a good enough reason.

Medic Wolves Den

Where the medic wolves sleep. They store herbs in a seperate hollow next to their den.

Hunter's and Fighter's Den

Where the hunters and fighers sleep. These brave wolves protect the pack and are skilled with both hunting and fighting. Fighters sleep on the left, hunters on the right.

Pup-Mother's Den

Where pup-mothers and their pups sleep. It is a underground hollow, to keep the pups safe. It is well hidden from those who don't know where it is.

Trainee's Den

Where wolves in training(trainees) sleep. It is a cozy den where they rest for their training in the morning.

Elder Wolves Den

Where the wolves who have grown too old and tired to serve their pack sleep. Trainees take care of them, and change the leaves and moss they sleep with.

Border Trail

Where wolves of Frostpack patrol the border. Be careful- most attacks start at the border.

Hunting Trail

Where wolves hunt. There are several little paths leading to places in the mountain where we hunt. Some of the paths are steep, be careful.

Elk Meadow

A meadow on the mountain side where elk come to graze. They come is herds of 7-11 elk. Usually there is 3 or under males and the rest are females. We catch most of our food here.

Mountain Trail

The trail we use to get to the mountains. We sometimes find elk, or deer along the way. Our main path up to the misty brook.

Misty Brook

A brook running through the peak of a mountain nearby. This is always misty. We come here for the peace, and the fishing.

Stream Valley

A valley with several streams running through it. This is the pack's main water source. We can fish in the water and catch water voles in the grass beside it.

Rabbit Fields

Long fields, with wheat that waves in the wind. There are around 3 rabbit warrens here, so rabbits are plentiful. Quails, mice, and thrush are also found here.